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Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Managing Facebook Ad Accounts

Purpose: This SOP outlines the process for managing Facebook ad accounts, including tracking account status, accessing new ad accounts, tracking the top up and maintaining secure access using our tools.

Scope: This SOP applies to all team members involved in managing Facebook ad accounts.

Tools and Resources

– Profile Management Sheet: For recording and tracking profiles.

– GoLogin: For farming Facebook profiles.

– Top-up Track Sheet: For tracking top up in the multiple ad accounts

Now, Tabs that you will be working on daily:

  1. Skype: For professional communication
  2. Google Chrome ( For accessing shared sheets )
  3. GoLogin ( For accessing/ opening facebook profiles)
  4. Top-up Track Sheet ( For recording spent in ad accounts and Top-up records )

Roles and Responsibilities

– Responsible for updating the Profile Management Sheet, BM Sheet, Facebook Profile Farming, Maintaining the Top-up Track Sheet.


Step-by-Step Process

A. Recording Ad Accounts in Google Sheets

1. BM Sheet:

– Open the designated Google Sheet.

 – Familiarize yourself with the columns and data recorded (e.g., BM ID, BM Name, Ad Account Name, Ad Account Status, Domain, Ads Category, Ads Geo, Admin Access, Employee Access, User Access).

(I) Let’s start with BM ID.

What is a BM ID? Before knowing this we shall first know what is a BM?

BM, stands for Business Manager in Facebook. Let’s break it down in simpler terms:

### What is Facebook Business Manager?

**Facebook Business Manager** is a tool from Facebook that helps businesses manage their Facebook ad accounts in one place.

In the below screenshot, the BM name is highlighted in red rectangle box. Now the details of how we will reach here will be addressed as we proceed further. 

Now where will we find the BM ID?

There is second way also to reach to BM ID:

(II) Now coming to VCC ( Virtual Credit Card), here we will update the name of the card that we are using for payment in particular ad accounts.

(III) Under the ad account name, we will be writing the name of the ad account that we have taken access in the BM.

Now, from where we will be getting the ad account name ?

In the above screenshot, you can easily see the three ad accounts that are accessed in Sarah Medina BM 1. Also we can even see the status of the ad account whether it is disabled or not as shown in the red circle.

(IV) Under the client section, we will be writing the name of the client for whom that particular ad account is devoted. This will be notified to you.

(V) The ad account status section denotes whether that particular ad account is active, restricted, under review.

(VI) Under FB Page Name, we will be writing the name of the Facebook pages that we have taken access in the ad account.

(VII) Under domain name, we will be writing the name of the domain that is used in that ad account.

(VIII) Ads Category will show the the category of the ad that will be run on that ad account like weight loss, diabetes, joints, ME, etc

(IX) Under Ads Geo, we mention the country where the ad is scheduled to be run.

(X) Admin Access shows the name of the profile where we take the access of the ad account. Now from this profile’s business settings, we will be sharing the accessed ad accounts to different profiles. The profile where we will be sharing the ad accounts to run ads will be called as employee profile.

(XI) Under employee profile, we will be writing the name of the profile where we have shared the ad accounts from our admin profiles.

(XII) User Access will show the name of the employee who will use that employee profile for running ads.

Now let’s discuss something about GoLogin. 

C. Accessing Profiles Using Go-Dolphin:

1. Login to GoLogin:

   – Open the GoLogin browser

The above screenshot shows the GoLogin dashboard and all the names of the Facebook profiles. The “Run” option which is visible alongside the profile is used to open the profile.

2. Access the Profile:

– Log in to the Facebook profile by clicking on “Run”

Now, let’s see after opening the profile, what is the way to reach to the BM name, BM ID, Pages, Ad Accounts, Business Info.

In the below video, the third method of knowing the BM ID is also shown through Business Info.


Since we have multiple profiles in the GoLogin dashboard, so we will press Ctrl+F to find the profile. So after typing the profile name, press Enter. Then click on “Run”

When we clicked on Business Settings, we are redirected to two Business Managers. This is because we have 2 BM in this profile. So I clicked on the first BM, that is, Sarah Medina BM 1.

Under Sarah Medina BM 1, though I have not focused on this point in the video, you see that

  • When we were on “People” section, there were two names showing: 
  1. Sarah Medina
  2. Sherry Wagner

I am attaching the screenshot below so that you clearly get what we want you to focus on.

So as you can notice on the screenshot above that Sarah Medina has full control access and Sherry Wagner has partial access. 

Now what does this mean. First of all, we are on Sarah Medina profile. Then what is Sherry Wagner doing here? How does he got access whether it is partial or full, I don’t care!

See, we will get into the deepness of this as we will proceed further. For the time being, just put in one corner of your brain that 

  • Sarah Medina is the Admin Profile
  • Sherry Wagner is the Employee Profile
  • How to check BM ID from BM Name given in sheet?

Check what name is written under the  admin access of BM. Go to that profile. Go to Ads Manager.

Before going forward, do you know what are cookies?

Even if your answer is yes, then also you should read what we have included in a short description below of what cookies are and how is it useful for us?

What are Cookies?

Whatever we search on Google or any search platform, our history gets collected on the server which basically reveals our search pattern, our purchasing behaviour, what kind of videos we are watching or any activity that we are doing on the internet gets collected by Google.

Basically, they help that website remember information about your visit, which can both make it easier to visit the site again and make the site more useful to you.

Now we will be discussing about Facebook Farming, so let’s go!

The above screenshot shows the daily task that will be attempted on a new profile.

But before this, one question arises is how the new profiles will be added in GoLogin? 

Do not worry about this. Whenever there will be need for farming of new profiles, the concerned person will add the profile to GoLogin. Your role will only start after the profiles have been added in GoLogin. 

You will be shared a link of a google drive of FB profile documents. After opening the link you will see folders with the names of profiles that are in the GoLogin. 

After opening the folder, you will find the profile pictures, posted pictures as well as driving licence of the concerned profile. For e.g. in the screenshot attached below, we have opened the folder named Ashley Powers from FB Profile Documents:

Now you are ready to understand the Facebook farming task sheet.

The link of Vidnoz face swap tool as well as the person do not exit website will be shared in your system. 

But the question arises, how to use these two tools for preparing DL of the profiles as mentioned in the 

Day 1 task of farming of profile. It’s really very very easy.

How to create a DL?

For creating DL, firstly we need a picture from Drive and a suitable base image(Google) so that we can easily swap both images to create a DL. For swapping images we will use AI Face Swap.

In the 2nd option we will use the original picture of the profile and in the 1st option we will use the base image. After swapping we will Screenshot the swapped image. After that we will move to Canva for editing. We will edit the image, name and DOB. And will download the DL and move into Drive, where all the documents exist. 

The folder of the base image will also be shared to you.

Here in the video below, you will get some idea of how to execute this process. Leave the end part where I have submitted the DL for review ( actually I recorded this at the time when I had to submit a review of ad account and I found that no DL is created for this profile, so I thought let’s screen record the entire process)


Now, let’s understand how to access the mail and set up 2 fa on the new profile?


Email access to be taken on this link: 


Always remember to pin the mail after opening.

  • Sometimes firstmail does not open on profile, so in that case we will open a outlook account and then add that outlook account on the profile of facebook, then we will create a gmail account to add in the alternate email address of outlook.

How to add an outlook mail on profile and delete previous mail from profile?


How to add an alternate mail to outlook?


How to add FB Login and Password in Google Password Manager?


Also add this in the notes of the profile with date after adding Fb Login and Password in Password Manager. Check the screenshot below:

In case, you don’t know how to add notes, it’s simple. Just click on the tab of the name of the profile and right click, you will see many functions, one of them will be insert note.

  • Sometimes, the Facebook password is already saved in the password manager then in this case, you don’t have to manually add the password. 

Now, let’s understand the Day 4 task of profile farming, that is, creating Facebook fan page.


In the video, we have showed how to create a Facebook fan page. Now you must be wondering, how will I think the Facebook page name to be created on multiple profiles? 

That’s really very very easy! Go to chat gpt and type “Please generate 20 Facebook page names that are universal and related to health, fitness, stamina”

You can try your own prompts also to generate page names.

Now, the next thing is we have to post on Facebook page.


The posts can also be generated by giving prompts in Chat gpt.

Some examples of prompts that can be used for bios, post are: 

  • give me 10 bios for my fb page that is related to men’s health
  • give me 10 welcome post for men’s health Facebook pages
  • generate me 10 facebook post in 3000 words to post on a Facebook page that is related to overall development of human being

Now, coming to Top Up Track Sheet

The access of this sheet will be shared to you. Now, how will you update the sheet, here is the video below:

  • In the video, we just have shown you updating balance of one ad account, likewise, we can update the other ad accounts by checking in the BM sheet, the admin access, we can simply go on that profile and check the remaining balances and yesterday’s spent.

How to access Business Support Home and why this is necessary?

  • For checking any kind of restriction whether on profile, BM or on page, Business Support Home tool is really helpful for us to check all the things in one place.
  • We will first open our Facebook profile then we will open Business Support home and click on account overview option. Here we can easily see whether profile is restricted or not and even we can check the status of our Facebook page. 
  • Some key points to note in the video: 
  1. Courtney Anderson is the profile
  2. U116 BM 1 is the BM name
  3. Under Business Settings, we will make sure that we are in the BM that we want to have info or create the ad account.
  4. We have granted full access to Courtney Anderson, now what this means? This means that Courtney Anderson is now having the admin access.

Now, since we have created ad account and attached Facebook page, so it’s time to update the BM sheet.

In the next video, we have shown the full process again and this time our ad acc got restricted as well just after creating, but no matter, the review process will be initiated by the concerned person, you just have to report him through Skype with proper profile name, the ad acc name and proper explanation of the issue.

  • Here please note that we will update the sheet side by side as well. Also you must have noticed that we add notes in the profile also in the profile management sheet. I am attaching the screenshot below:
  1. We are mentioning everything in the notes date-wise. 
  1. Since we applied for BM ourself in the Sherry Cox profile, and a pop up came denoting try again later, that’s why we had to check the profile again tomorrow whether it’s still active or not.
  1. In Teresa Lebert, 2fa code was coming on whatsapp other than mail, so that’s why, we were not able to set up 2 fa on this profile.

How to arrange tabs on a new profile?

  • When you will open a profile for a first time, there will be no tabs, but no problem, we can arrange them as shown in the video below:

Now, we will understand everything with a case study.

Are you ready? Get, set, go!

A) Please disable auto-renew of proxies of these profiles:

1) June Williams

2) Jennifer Crain

3) Sandra Santiago


  • This does not fall under your scope of work. The concerned person will disable the proxy and update you on Skype group named” FB Profile Coordination” Only after the approval, you have to update the sheet regarding restriction and auto-extend off. Your work will be to update the profile management sheet.

    Check the screenshot below:

We will also update the BM sheet now. First press Ctrl+F and search June Williams. Remember June Williams was the employee profile because we shared access of our BM on this profile and then gave to Daddy. Since the profile is restricted now, so the ad accounts which were there are also disabled, but you have to confirm it and then mark them disabled.

B) These Ad Accounts are disabled:

  1. Profile: Tonya Zhou (U118)

WZYC-BDY 0517 06

WZYC-BDY 0517 07

WZYC-BDY 0517 08

WZYC-BDY 0517 09

WZYC-BDY 0517 10


  • So, now we have to update the sheet. We will mark the ad accounts in red and update the status to Disabled. By pressing Ctrl+F we will search the ad account.

C) Will be needing Cookies of all these 3 profiles

  1. U103
  2. U105
  3. U110


  • How to export cookies from GoLogin:

D) U85 profile is not working on SV system. So, we have to replace the profile, we have to give different profile on rent to him. We will not take this profile back, just issue one more profile on rent to him with same Ad Accounts access

Ad Accounts Access to be shared on a new available profile

BM Name: IT Ecycler

Ad Accounts Name

WZYC-BDY 0517 01

WZYC-BDY 0517 02

WZYC-BDY 0517 03

WZYC-BDY 0517 04

WZYC-BDY 0517 05


  • Now how to approach the situation like this:
  • The thing here to note is that not everytime the second admin approval is needed.

Now how to accept invitation on U115?

Here is the video below:

Please note that the video attached below showing accepting invitation of BM is not directly linked to the above video but yes, the process of accepting the invitation is same as shown below:


Now, we have to update the sheet:

Also update in the Profile Management sheet:

Now the last question that must be coming in your mind will be:

How did we find out which profile we should give employee access?

The profile status should be Active, read profile notes so that to be sure if in case, the profile is under any kind of review or in a farming phase. Account name should be blank and access should also be blank.



Here is the process to approach this:

Now, how to check password in password manager, we have already discussed above under how to add fb login and password in password manager. See the last 1 min portion of the video.



Now let’s start by taking admin access. The links of two BM will be shared to you on Skype. In the video full process is shown while updating the sheet also side by side.


I stopped the recording in between otherwise the recording would have been longer. But remember we will take access of all the pages.  Likewise we will take the access of the second admin in the same profile.

Now I have shown below, how to take accept invite of BM 1 sent from admin profile:


Now we will update on Skype:

We will also update the sheet:

  • Profile Management Sheet:
  • BM Sheet:

Now, let’s understand some basic things:

  1. How to create a new Google Sheet and share access?
  1. What to do if you found that the profile is restricted?

    First of all, Skype the concerned person about the user code of the profile restricted along with proxy. Then after update that the auto-renew of proxy has been disabled, update the sheet. This we already have discussed above with screenshot.
  1. Share one ad account LY-ADC 05A to employee

    So, we have to first decide which profile we should give employee access. So  found in the BM sheet that the employee which I have to give access has already one profile with him, I.e, Jo Parker

Now, let’s see the video, how to give access to Jo Parker


Now, accepting invite on Jo Parker

  • How to remove employee profile access from BM?
  • How to remove access of employee profile from ad account?
  • How to leave a BM from the profile?

Now, at last let’s understand the Profile Management Sheet that I should have discussed earlier but we thought to end this SOP with explaining the Profile Management Sheet.


So UCode will be given by us. You may be seeing that the UCode are not in series like after U31 there is U35, then U42, so on. This is because, I have applied filter of Active Status. See the video below:


Now, every column will be updated here by the concerned person except Account Name, Access, Authenticator, Documents. Your role will be to fill all these as per requirement like whenever we will give profile for employee access, we will update under account name “Employee Access”, under Access Column, “the name of the employee”.

Check the screenshot below:

Authenticator column will be updated by you with 2fa key which you will generate while farming and same goes with documents.

  • How to see which profile we have to take admin access and give employee access?

This is simple. Check the profile notes to see if that profile is in farming phase or under restriction. If everything is fine, then check account name column, it shall be blank and access column, it should also be blank then we check 2 fa, it must be set in order to take admin access.

If there is a problem in profile, sometimes 2 fa cannot be set, then that profile can only be used for employee access or sharing for employee access to BDaddy.

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